Blog=Pictures? is one of the most popular fashion blog, and due to the reason of this assessment, I visit this website more often than before.
However, I find out a feature of this website. When you open the home page there is a list of the abstract of every posted blog, and a link to read more. The thing is when you click that button is not for you to read more, is more like to see more. By which I mean is that less word content and more pictures been shown on the webpage.
The below source link is one “article” that I have “read” today. It is written by Daniel P Dykes. There are only a few sentences, and straight away to bring out the main point which is about Nevenka’s Spring 2010 collection, and also introduce the main element of this season’s collection.
Obviously, followed by heaps of pictures, this kind of posting format has been the main stream of the fashion blog, and pictures speak more. The word seems less powerful in the fashion blog industry.
However, at the bottom of the webpage, there is a introduction about the blog writer self. It tries to make sense to the readers that who is this person.
The thing is anyone will read that last bit of the writer’s self-introduction after all these pictures?


