Show your opinion!

A new trend of fashion opinion just appears on YouTube, this well-known social networking has a new break record related with the fashion industry.
An article written by Meg Mason in Shop magazine in September has introduce a new method of how the personal opinion shared with the other people in the world, which need to cooperate work with the social video networking.
A branch of teenage girl start to share what they bought in everyday life, and share the feeling of the product, and also give the whole set of the dress for the world out there.
The writer start the article with a metaphor to bring up a good question to the readers think at the begging of the article how do you, the buyers, feel with the products they bought. Whether they think is a wise purchase or just to spend out.
The following article link several similar ways of this new opinion share method, and introduce Americans and Australians examples to clarify the new method, and also provide the back up evidence how this new method is popular, and why is could become a such fab within youngsters.
It is doubtful that blog still is the main way of share fashion tips and opinions. However, this haul of fame will be soon or later take the majority part in the fashion industry. Maybe a new revolution will be come soon.

Source: Shop Magazine September written by Meg Mason

